Thursday, January 14, 2016

Free Education for All!

And they call Donald Trump a populist!  The Democrats believe college education should be free.  Students are burdened with too much student loan debt.  Solution?  Let's just make college free!  And we'll pass the debt on to...well, on to everyone.

Maureen Sullivan in Forbes talks about how Obama touted this brilliant idea in his State of the Union address Tuesday.  The Big O just called for free two-year universities.  That makes him a moderate.:  state-of-the-union-president-obama-takes-one-more-crack-at-his-education-agenda/#2715e4857a0b61f2fa2723ab 

That the teachers' unions heartily endorsed this proposition should be enough to scare you off from it.

This is all an elaborate smoke screen from the Feds:; they do their best to contribute to the high cost of college tuition with all their subsidies, grants, and low interest loans.

But I'll do the Democrats one better:  why not make more stuff free?  My car loan is killing me, and don't even ask about my mortgage... I'm burdened by them, for chrissake.  Why should the kids get all the free stuff?  What about taxpayers like me?

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