But you'd never know it from the recent Vatican council event commemorating the 25th anniversary of Centesimus Annus, John Paul II great encyclical on the market economy and freedom. For some reason, the conference organizers decided to invite socialist hacks like Bernie Sanders, Evo Morales, and Rafael Correa. The last two are presidents of Bolivia and Ecuador, those demi-paradises of prosperity and care for the poor. Robert Royal has an excellent commentary on the conference here: Vatican Charmed by Democratic Socialism
Which leads me to the inevitable question: what is Pope Francis thinking? At a certain point, Catholic conservatives are going to have to stop making excuses for some of his less-than-helpful ideas. His encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si, struck me as an analytic mess and probably should be seen as a piece with this conference.
JP II rebuking the Marxist priest Ernesto Cardenal in Managua. Those were different times.
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